Contact Us

Sugarhill Brighton Ltd. Unit 9, Freshfield Industrial Estate, Stevenson Road, Brighton BN2 0DF. Our company registration number is 06557759 and with our registered office at 56 West Street, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 5WG United Kingdom. 


If you have any questions about your order you can check the status using the ? bubble icon on the right bottom corner of the screen, this also allows you to search our FAQs and get in touch with our helpdesk.

Alternatively, if you have any customer service queries, you can contact us via email, telephone or using the contact form below.
Call us - 01273 911814 ( 9am-5pm Mon-Thu ) ( 9am -3.30pm Friday )
Email us -

If you have any other queries, please email us at or use the contact form below.

Please note: Once your order is made, we are unable to action any order changes or cancellations.