Rainforest Trust are thrilled to announce that — together with doners like Sugarhill and conservation partners around the world — Rainforest Trust has achieved a milestone of 50 million acres of rainforest habitat under protection for species, planet and communities!
Thank you for helping us reach this milestone.

Recent projects contributing to the 50-million-acres celebration include:
  • In Brazil, over 180,000 acres of globally important mangroves in the Amazon River Estuary are now safe for at least 40 globally threatened species, including American Manatee and Atlantic Goliath Grouper, and for traditional coastal fishing communities thanks to Rainforest Trust and RARE Brazil.
  • In the Democratic Republic of Congo, severely declining populations of African Forest Elephants and Eastern Lowland Gorillas are to be safeguarded within 1,174,727 acres of Congo rainforest, where Rainforest Trust’s partner Strong Roots works to defend critical habitat against mining and poaching.
  • In Bolivia, Blue-throated Macaws — desperately clinging to survival with their wild population estimated at 200-300 mature adults — can now live and breed without fear of losing precious habitat to cattle ranching, soy production and the illegal pet trade thanks to Asociación Armonía expanding the Laney Rickman reserve to 5,932 acres, in partnership with Rainforest Trust.

I hope you're as thrilled as we are about this news, which wouldn't have been possible without your generous support by making orders. 